Game Changers: Step into Your Leadership Calling

Are you ready to take the next big leap in your spiritual journey?

Introducing "Game Changers"—an advanced class for those who have walked in charismatic Pentecostal circles and are ready to go deeper, to advance boldly in the Kingdom of God. Led by Graham Cooke, a seasoned Prophet from the UK, this transformational journey is designed to equip you for greater leadership and impact.

Why Game Changers?

You’ve already experienced the Spirit moving in your life. You’ve felt the calling for more, and you know that the Kingdom work doesn’t end here—it’s just beginning. "Game Changers" is a program for those who are done with the ordinary and ready to unlock the extraordinary.

If you’ve ever felt the pull to lead others, to be a light in the community, and to advance God's Kingdom with deeper knowledge and confidence, this class is your opportunity to rise to that calling.

GameChangers Manual

Completion Benefits: Graduation and Possible Leadership Opportunities

Complete all coursework, attend discussions, and be recognized with a graduation certificate—proof of your growth, dedication, and transformation.

But it doesn’t stop there.

Graduates will have the opportunity to step into leadership roles with local Aglow meetings, making an impact in your community and being a catalyst for change in others' lives.

Who Is This Class For?

  • Christians who are ready to advance to new levels in the Kingdom of God.
  • Those who have been in charismatic or Pentecostal circles and desire deeper training.
  • Men and women looking to step into leadership, become change agents, and impact others.

How Much Does It Cost?

The investment for this life-changing journey is only $25—the cost of the workbook (paid directly to Aglow International). Your spiritual growth and leadership potential are worth so much more.

Why Now?

If you’re sensing a stirring in your spirit—a call to more—then this is your moment to act. The Kingdom needs people ready to be game changers, and we believe you’re one of them.

Join "Game Changers" today and take your place among those advancing in God’s power and authority.

After you have registered for the class you will receive an email with the information on how to purchse your manual.  The money goes directly through and to Aglow International. No fees are charged by Cynthia Martin for this class.

Check the inbox of the email address you provided for the link to order the book and additional information about the class. Discussion class is optional, to graduate from the class you must watch the weekly video and sumbit weekly homework by deadline each week.  I have found the discussion classes to be of great value.  Sharing your insights and or listening to the insights of others helps us to grow and see things differently.

Next Class Begins Friday October 18, 2024 at 10:00 am (CST)




"I remember Graham’s message to us in 2008 in Washington, DC. Even then, I cried as I realized why understanding our identity from God’s perspective is critical. Now, having been through GameChangers and LifeChangers, I totally grasp why our identity statements are so critical and a weapon in our hands against the accusations of the enemy. Every time I make a statement of who I am, I realize that it must align with my Creator. I find that I can’t say things like, ‘I am discouraged’ because He is never discouraged. I can’t say, ‘I am tired’ because He never grows weary. I am aligning my words and my identity with Him in a new way and with new understanding."

North Central Area Team President, Texas

"While I had known the Lord for several years and experienced His great power, my life continued to be lukewarm. Studying together in the Aglow group, my life has taken a qualitative leap! My experience with God has been sustained and my knowledge has been upgraded. During the past year, I have shared the truth of God with my family which I never did before and they have all come to know the Lord."


"Game Changers & Life Changers – They have changed everything. Every trial is now viewed through the lens of what the Lord wants to accomplish in my life and who He wants to be for me in that moment. I was sharing a personal prayer need regarding a health situation this past Sunday. I felt I had been on a downward cycle since January. As I mentioned the fear attached to it, I immediately realized He was upgrading my faith. Instantly the fear left and has not returned."


Ema From Britain
I wrote a declaration over my life which said, “I am the daughter of the almighty God, and I never stop being a princess. I am never the victim.” I’ve been a victim all my life, and what Graham’s teaching taught me was how to stop being one. You stop being a victim when you realize your identity. Graham took this teaching and put it into real life. I make hard decisions at work, so I stop in my day and ask the Father what He wants me to do, what does this mean? I am learning what abiding is. I had never really understood that word, thinking it meant to stay in one place. It’s so much more. It’s about getting God involved in your day and stopping to ask Him before moving forward, letting the Father be involved in the day. I share Graham’s teaching a lot online because young people want an identity. Graham’s teaching helps us really understand our identity in God, and that’s where I move from.

Naomi From Canada
I have a heart for the indigenous people of the native community in my city. The GameChangers Identity message really spoke to me. God spoke a word over me when I was in a low place, and felt the word ‘loser’ over myself. God changed that word to ‘Loved’, and then put ‘Beloved’ over that. Through GameChangers I know this is the identity I need to live out of. I don’t have to live out of any other identity from others or the world, I have to live out the identity He has declared over me. Our generation is so lost in who we are, and I know God speaks a better word over us. Through our group, people will discover what God really says about them, and I think it will change our culture. I pray over cities and the Native Community, and sense it’s about time for things to change. I feel a fresh faith to believe, intercede, and contend for the things God has promised for indigenous people and my city, Winnipeg. The Lord has something more.

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